Other Powerful Credit Repair Techniques
If the account has been paid off, but was past due at one time, write that it is your account but was never past due. Say that you need it to be reported as never late.If the credit bureaus were able to verify any disputed information as correct the information would stay on your credit report. So you then need to contact the creditor who verified the information and who sent it to the credit bureau in the first place. Call the creditor and tell them that you need written proof that this is your account.
Creditors usually store account information on their computers. The original signed documents are often lost or thrown away. This makes it impossible for them to verify your disputes.
Federal Law requires creditors to show you written proof that disputed accounts are yours. This means the creditor must have the original documents you signed with the creditor.
Creditors usually store account information on their computers. The original signed documents are often lost or thrown away. This makes it impossible for them to verify your disputes.
Federal Law requires creditors to show you written proof that disputed accounts are yours. This means the creditor must have the original documents you signed with the creditor.
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